Monday, January 14, 2013

"Not a Recommended Diet Plan"

For the past several months I have been scheduled for chemotherapy infusions on Mondays and Tuesdays, with Wednesdays serving as a day for recovery.  This explains why I haven't been blogging for several months. It also explains why I've lost fifteen---yes, 15---pounds! Chemo cocktails are certainly not a recommended diet plan, although extremely effective.   The nausea alone will prevent over-eating, not to mention the effect on the palate.  My tongue burns with every craving I try to satisfy.   Sugary-sweet desserts, even chocolate, and my beloved red wine are all too acidic for my newly sensitized tongue.   Any pleasure of eating that I once had has all but disappeared.
These new circumstances are not all bad.  I've learned a great deal about how my previously uncontrolled cravings have caused trouble for my physical body.  I've discovered when my cravings are at their strongest, and I'm becoming more aware of exactly what I put into my mouth.  I'm becoming a conscious and conscientious eater.
Spending time alone in the presence of my Lord has continued to provide me with the peace and guidance to make it through these challenging times.  I've developed a new appreciation for the "Cooling Breath" or Sitali Pranayama at times when my tongue burns with sweet, salty or spicy foods.   This yogic method of cooling the tongue can be practiced while meditating or reading Scripture once it becomes familiar.
  • Physically---Begin by sitting erect in any comfortable position (Sukhasana, Dandasana, Virasana, Siddhasana, or Padmasana) on the floor or a chair so that the position doesn't become a distraction to the breathing technique.  With the head level and the gaze at "Third Eye" or naitrayoh ma dyai  drishti, open the mouth and form an "O" shape with the lips as the tongue curls to form a channel.  The sides and the tip of the tongue touch the teeth lightly as the air is drawn slowly across the tongue, making a sibilant s-s-s sound to fill the lungs completely.  After the inhalation, withdraw the tongue and close the mouth as the chin lowers to the lifted chest into the chin/throat lock position called jalandhara bandha.  If comfortable, hold the breath for several seconds in antara kumbhaka before slowly exhaling through the nose only with a long, sighing sound to complete one cycle of Sitali Pranayama.  To continue, lift the head and open the mouth for another cooling inhalation and repeat for 5-10 minutes.  Rest and restore in "Corpse Pose" before rushing into the day's activities.
  • Mentally---Keep the mind clear of all thoughts except awareness of the cooling and healing presence of God's Spirit as it envelopes all surfaces of the tongue.  Think thoughts of gratitude for ancient breathing techniques that bring relief and healing.
  • Spiritually---Since the tongue can be a powerful source of pleasure or pain, ask God to bring greater awareness into the use of the tongue.  As Job asked, "Is there iniquity in my tongue?  Cannot my taste discern perverse things?"  (Job 6:30, KJV)
"Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles."   
(Proverbs 21:23, KJV)


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