Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Better Late than Never"

Yes, I confess that this week's blog is late! But, "better late than never," right? Last weekend my husband and I drove up to the Sacramento area to visit with my 87-year-old mother, and to clean her apartment. On the way home yesterday as we were driving south on the 101 through the heart of the central coastal area, I noticed sparse herds of "California happy cows" grazing on grassy hillsides dotted with live oak trees and traced with switchback paths worn by years of travel. My mind drifted off to the "happy place" where I experience the Lord's presence when I practice yoking with Him early every morning. After sitting in the twisting pose "Half Lord of the Fishes" described in last week's blog, I often move into a counterpose to open my hips (and heart) with an external rotation in a variation of the position called "Cow-Face Pose" or Gomukhasana in Sanskrit. This hip-opener can be practiced safely by prenatal students with great benefits by moving mindfully into the position, but without the twisting posture from last week.
  • Physically---Begin the leg action of "Cow-Face Pose" (Gomukhasana) by sitting in the center of a flat and level area (or on a yoga "sticky mat") with both knees bent and the right foot just to the left of the left hip and the left foot placed just to the right of the right thigh. Inhale while lifting both arms upward to ground both sit bones at the base of the hips and the tail bone into the earth as the energy flows up through the torso and helps to extend the spine in an upward motion. As the exhalation begins to move down and out of the torso release the right hand to the right inner thigh and the left hand to the left inner thigh to gently encourage an external (away from center) hip rotation in both upper thighs, using the heels of each hand on the inner thighs and then releasing each flexed foot onto its outer edge.
  • Next, inhale the torso forward as the tail bone lifts in a forward tilt of the pelvic basin, and then walk the hands forward until they align directly under the shoulders in a variation of "Cat and Cow Pose." Look up, tuck the toes under the heels, and stretch the tail bone up and away from the lifted chest. Then look back down to see that the left knee is stacked directly in front of the right knee, but be sure to keep both feet flexed to prevent any excess torque and strain in the knee joints! While beginning the exhalation draw up the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles to round the spine like a cat before releasing back onto the sit bones and sliding the hands onto the instep of each foot. If the knees are higher than the hips (indicating very tight hip flexors) place a folded blanket or pillow under the hips to raise them and release pressure on the very vulnerable semi-flexed knees. With each slow and mindful exhalation release the chin toward the lifted chest and the weight of the torso onto the inner left thigh and knee. Use the body weight to gently encourage the hip flexors to soften and expand in this intermediate hip opener for a minimum of 8-10 slow and rhythmic breaths. (We'll add the arm position for the full version of "Cow-Face Pose" in next week's blog.)
  • To reverse the position of the legs for this "Cow-Face Pose" variation to the opposite side, inhale forward onto the balls of each foot as the hips are lifted and begin to walk the hands in a clockwise direction 360 degrees to the right, pivoting on the balls of the feet until the right bended knee is now stacked in front of the left knee and the hands are on the ground directly under the shoulders. Inhale and look up as the toes tuck under the heels of the feet before exhaling onto the sit bones. Now release the torso onto the inner thighs and knees for 8-10 slow and relaxed breaths in this forward version of "Cow-Face Pose" before we add the shoulder openers next week.
  • Mentally---By focusing the attention on the release of the abdominal wall with each "belly breath" inhalation, the pelvic floor and hip joints will begin to soften and relax sooner. Remember your Creator as the source of every breath you take. Be sure to let out all doubts while extending the duration of each exhalation as the weight of the upper body releases slowly onto the legs and encourages the hips to open gradually. Move into "Cow-Face Pose" with the intent to soften your hips and your heart.
  • Spiritually---Ancient civilizations believe that there is a direct correlation between the hips and the heart. If this is the case, time spent yoking with God while sitting in hip opening postures will greatly soften the heart of the practitioner. I claim God's promise in the Book of Ezekiel as I pray daily for those who have hardened their hearts to the God of the universe. I am encouraged to know that the time spent alone with God will accomplish this opening process. Give God the time and the attention necessary to do the softening.
"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. and I will put my spirit within within you and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them."
(Ezekiel 36:26-27, KJV)

"For God maketh my heart soft...." ( Job 23:16, KJV) May He soften your heart and your hips....plf