Remember "brain teasers?" What can you drink that makes you thirsty for more and yet has no ill effects? Hints: The answer is not coffee, soda or alcohol in any form! No, it's not even water because too much can create "water intoxication" or hyponatremia that leads to brain edema, or swelling. Another clue is while performing this healthy activity you experience a sense of delight that produces the great joy. And no, it's not sex either, because this joy never has to end. The mark or evidence is peace with yourself, your Creator and the world....
Sound enticing but too good to be true? I can testify that it is not an empty promise or an unrealistic dream. When I drink from "the fountain of life" each morning as I read God's Word in The Bible, and then practice yoking with the author of this light and wisdom by using the ancient disciplines of yoga, I have experienced delight and true joy. This bliss doesn't occur every morning because I am often distracted, or I haven't scheduled enough time to quench my thirst. But it is a reality when I am focused on the gift of each breath in, and reject the negative thoughts and emotions with each exhalation. "For with Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light shall we see light." (Psalm 36: 9, KJV)
Try it for yourself this week by practicing the "Crescent Moon Flow" or Anjaneyasana Vinyasa that is described in this and last weeks' blogs. Remember that prenatal students should keep the arms stretched straight forward rather than overhead and should be cautious of any compression in the abdomen.
- Physically---Continuing from last week in "Crescent Moon Pose" or Anjaneyasana with the right knee aligned directly over the right ankle and the left leg extended straight back onto the ball of the left foot, inhale while sweeping the arms straight out to the side and then reaching overhead as you untuck the toes of the back foot. (Prenatal arms remain at shoulder height and extend forward from the shoulders.) Draw the locks or bandhas upward and in toward the spine like a drawstring to provide support for the lower back, and tip the pelvic basin backward by scooping the tail bone down and forward in a posterior tilt. Then slowly exhale as the torso hinges forward from the hips---not the waist---in a forward tip of the pelvic basin. Release the hips backward until they align directly over the left knee as the right leg extends through the heel of the right flexed foot. Feel the resistance in the belly of the right hamstring muscles at the back of the right thigh as you drop the chin into jalandhara bandha (chin/throat lock) and gaze back at your navel (nabi chakra.) Give yourself permission to let go of the breath and all tension in the hips, lower back and thighs.
- Progress through the breath-synchronized flow by inhaling the hips forward again with the tail bone tipping backward until the right knee is aligned back over the right ankle and the arms are extended overhead and backward (forward for prenatal students) forming a "Crescent Moon Pose" from the tip of the right hand fingers to the tip of the left toes. During each exhalation release the hips backward until they align over the back knee in a forward tilt of the pelvic basin as the front leg extends through a flexed foot. Be sure to count the number of breaths so that this flow can be repeated on the opposite side before lowering all the way back onto the heels of both feet to rest in "Child's Pose."
- Mentally---The busy mind is kept occupied by counting the number of breaths on each side, and staying present with any resistance in the thighs and hips as the pelvic basin alternates between a backward (posterior) and forward (anterior) tipping action in this "Crescent Moon Flow" or Anjaneyasana Vinyasa.
- Spiritually---A spiritual dimension may be added after the alignment in the physical positions becomes automatic. In order to drink from "the fountain of life" it helps to know what spiritual attributes to breathe into your being and which ones you'd like to release. I suggest breathing in each of "the fruits of [God's] Spirit" found in Galatians 5:22-23, For example, begin by breathing in God's unconditional LOVE for all people, and then release all judgment, favoritism, grudges and unforgiveness. On the second breath, draw in a deep dose of JOY and reject all fear, envy, jealousy or anything that robs you of joy. Breathe in His PEACE and let go of rushing, worrying, greed or grasping. Continue to draw on "the fountain of life" by drinking in acceptance of LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS AND FAITH as you surrender your habits of whining, complaining, the need to control others, all doubts and distractions, As you breathe in MEEKNESS, will yourself to surrender your vanity and pride, Finally, drink deeply of TEMPERANCE AND SELF-CONTROL as you exhale and commit to giving up all addictions, especially those self-destructive ones! Practice, practice, practice!