Monday, July 23, 2012

"The Big Reveal"

It's been said that your checkbook reveals your priorities, and it certainly does to some extent; but it's your daily schedule that is the really big reveal!  In the spring of 2001 when I inserted a Christian yoga practice into my daily agenda, it was the very first thing I did when I awakened.  I literally rolled out of bed and onto my knees to begin my day in prayer and meditation that lasted for a significant amount of time alone with the Lord each morning---well over an hour---so changing positions was a necessity in order to avoid physical cramping!   During this treasured time I physically relaxed and worked out sleep kinks, my mind slowly awakened to clarity, and spiritually I came to know my Lord and Savior more intimately as I remained still in His presence.  I was "abiding in [Him], a branch abides in the vine..."  and yoga was the grafting tool that kept my busy mind from wandering.
In time, as situations with my mother and my husband became more demanding, slowly---and almost imperceptibly---over a period of ten years, I began to shorten my quiet time alone with the Lord.   A few bad habits crept into my schedule---such as consuming too many sweet desserts, falling asleep on the couch, awakening later and later each morning, watering the outdoor potted plants before the heat of the day (and before my time with the Lord!), playing with grandchildren, etc.  Eventually, the words in my prayers became more rote and repetitive, and I was becoming distracted during the changing of postures.  The "abiding time" fluttered out the window like an elusive butterfly, along with my health. 
Only God knows exactly when the cancerous tumor began to grow in my lower abdomen.  Finally, I could not deny its cantaloupe-size existence during yoga postures that settled all of my body weight on the abdomen.  Postures such as "Bow Pose or Dhanurasana (described in the September 21, 2009 blog) and Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana" (described in the October 25, 2010 blog) were not only revealing, but extremely uncomfortable!  Yes, yoga is a journey of discovery---a big reveal!
I believe that God allows adversity into our lives to stimulate change, and that's exactly what it did for me!  My recent re-awakening now has me back on track, putting my relationship with God first every morning utilizing my yoga practice with an emphasis on the spiritual and not the physical asanas.  With the help and awareness of the Holy Spirit, I'm now avoiding all the  temptations that drew me away from seeking God's kingdom first.  Greg Laurie expressed it so succinctly in his daily devotional, Every Day with Jesus, that I'm now reading while in "Hero Pose" or Virasana (described in the May 27, 2009 blog) and occasional other seated postures.  He reminds us that we cannot truly pray, "Thy kingdom come" until we first pray, "My kingdom go."    Our daily routine and agenda does reveal what is most important to us. 
My prayer for each one of my readers and "followers" is to learn from "the big reveal" of my slow decline.  Make time in your schedule first thing every morning to yoke with your God by reading His wise Words in The Holy Bible, and then pray and meditate on that wisdom from above.  Nurture the most important relationship you'll ever have!  As the apostle Luke put it:

"But rather seek ye the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you."   
(Luke 12:31, KJV)                                               Namaste, plf  (I'm back after a month of healing.)