Strength is an admirable quality. We applaud not only physical strength, but we especially value the type of inner strength that enables us to leap the highest hurdles that life tosses our way, undeterred by any barrier. This inner strength just may result from someone else who consistently prayed for us, and that's why I miss my recently deceased mother's prayers. It's also the reason that I pray daily for my own children, as well as friends who need strength to face surgeries, incurable diseases, injuries, emotional upheavals, etc. I also request prayers for myself when I feel weak---like now. I believe definitively in the power of intercessory prayer!
A second opinion pathology report determined that my recently removed tumor and surrounding tissue "favors leiomyosarcoma." Therefore, I'll begin my chemotherapy treatments next week after Labor Day and may be too nauseated to return to this blog for a few weeks. As readers or "followers," I'm suggesting that you develop your own physical core strength with this week's "Spinal Balance to Kriya Crunch", but I'm also requesting that you develop your inner core spiritual muscles by sending up prayers that I am able to remember the encouraging words in the Book of Joshua from The New Testament, "Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed; for the Lord Thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." (Joshua 1:9, KJV) Give prayer a chance in your personal life too, and don't quit asking, seeking and knocking until the prayer is answered!
- Physically---After prayer, warm the spinal muscles with several rounds of the "Cat and Cow Flow" (Chakravakasana, as described in the December 20, 2010 blog) with the hands aligned directly under the shoulders, knees under hips, and toes under heels. Breathe slowly enough to take time to develop the inner core muscles by engaging the locks or bandhas with each breath.( Read the May 11, 2010 blog called "Timing is Everything.")
- Then add the strengthening and stretching flow of "Spinal Balance" by inhaling the right arm and left leg straight out in opposite directions and parallel to the floor. At the top of each inhalation spread the fingers and toes while lifting and engaging the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles (called the mula bandha and uddiyana bandha). Maintain the root locks (bandhas) during each exhalation as the left hand and right knee return to the floor. Then alternate by extending the right arm and left leg straight out with fingers and toes spread wide.
- Add the "Kriya Crunch" first on the right side as the right knee bends, instead of releasing it to the floor, draw the knee in toward the right elbow and squeeze the bandhas in a cat-like, rounded spinal flexion with the navel lifting up toward the spine. Then inhale back into spinal extension in the "Spinal Balance." This may be repeated 3-5 times OR alternate to switch sides by releasing the right knee from the elbow and lowering it to the floor along with the left hand. Inhale to a "Spinal Balance" on the opposite side with the right arm and left leg extending in opposite directions, and repeat the bended knee toward the elbow in "Kriya Crunch" to strengthen the core. Always make time to rest and restore the body in "Corpse Pose" (Savasana) before leaving the yoga mat.
- Mentally---At first, this breath-synchronized flow (vinyasa) will be more challenging until the movements become familiar. Remain focused on the smooth and deep rhythm of each breath, using the nose only and engaging the chin/throat lock (jalandhara bandha) or glottis at the base of the throat like a valve to control the air flow. During each exhalation listen as you become more aware of the slow sighing sound of the apana as it leaves the body along with negative thoughts like fear or worry.
- Spiritually---While reaching out in "Spinal Balance" stretch your faith muscles and let God know that you trust His great love, mercy and compassion to be with you wherever you go. During the "Kriya Crunch" squeeze out all doubt, fears and worries. Repeat daily to let God know that you will continue to reach, ask, seek, and knock until He answers. Don't quit! Remember the words of Jesus Christ Himself as recorded by Matthew: