Monday, September 17, 2012

"Miraculous Fruit of the Earth"

Lemons and grapes have always been among two of my favorite fruits.  Recently, in my battle with cancer they've become even more significant in my life, and hopefully will become so in the lives of everyone who reads this blog.  In other words, print this out and pass it along to family and friends because they too can reap the benefits of my personal experience and research. 
Over a month ago a well-meaning friend sent me an email on the health benefits of drinking lemon-water to kill cancer cells.  Although the email was a complete hyperbole, extolling that lemon-water was 10,000 times more effective at killing cancer cells than a common chemotherapy drug such as Adriamyacin (which happens to be one of the three drugs being using to combat my fast-growing sarcoma cells), what did I have to lose? So I walked into the kitchen, squeezed and zested a half lemon into a 16-ounce glass water bottle and began what is now my daily drink routine.  After all, what harm could come of drinking a very old, tried-and-true remedy for constipation?   
Later, in a Snopes check, I learned that the limonene and pectin found in the pulp and outer skin (zest) of both lemons and limes did, in fact, kill cancer cells when tested in rats, according to several scientific studies, and without the negative side effects of hair loss, liver, kidney and bladder damage.   Two other natural substances that have been and are being tested by medical communities to fight cancer are asparagus and Resveratrol, which is made up of the healthful components found in red wine, minus the alcohol, of course,---the skins, seeds and stems of red grapes.  My oncologist commented that we'd have to drink about 40 bottles of red wine daily to absorb the benefits of taking 2 grams of Resveratrol capsules.  Clearly, this is impossible without serious damage to the liver, kidneys and bladder! 
The more information gathered on this amazing and "miraculous fruit of the earth" the more impressed I was with God's natural, unprocessed creations.  In an appointment with my UCI oncologist, I also learned that he not only takes 2 grams of  micronized (for better absorption) "Pure and Healthy" brand Resveratrol himself each day as a preventative for cancer, but also has used it externally on the cartilage of his ear to heal skin cancer.  If this product is safe and effective enough for a highly educated, teaching medical oncologist, I figured it just might help my fair-skinned husband, who has extensive sun damage on the cartilage of his right ear from golfing under the intense southern California sun.  
While awaiting my own chemotherapy treatments to begin I was also experiencing some stinging sensations (typical description of the nerve sensations when cancer cells are reaching out for a source of nutrition) on my bladder where a tumor had previously been excised, so I immediately sought out a bottle of Resveratrol the very next day.  Since I had had great difficulty falling asleep the previous night due to the stinging, I decided that I didn't have time to order the micronized Resveratrol online with, so I found a brand of organic French capsules called Resveratage at about $80 for sixty 500mg capsules, found in several health food stores.  I took three capsules throughout the day, and the stinging in my lower abdomen not only stopped, but I was able to get a good night of sleep without the distraction of pain.  I'm sold on Resveratrol, both as part of a natural cancer regimen and a preventative for future battles.
And wait until you read the story of my husband's miracle with Resveratrol in next week's blog!

"My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver."  
(The Book of Proverbs 8:19, KJV)