Each one of us has the potential to become only one "circle prayer" away from a miracle or a dream fulfilled. The only conditions are that we must invite God to intervene in a situation that would be an impossibility to achieve without His help, and it must glorify God.
These bold circle prayers are based on a collection of stories from the Talmud and Midrash, The Book of Legends, that contain teachings that were passed down through the generations by Jewish rabbis. One legend tells of Honi the circle maker, who during the first century BC, gained fame for his ability to pray for rain when he took his six-foot staff and drew a circle like a compass around himself, dropped to his knees, raised his hands toward heaven and began to pray for rain. When it finally did begin to rain it saved the generation before Jesus from one of the worst draughts in the history of Israel.
Prayers can be like prophesies that predict what you will become in this life. Therefore, I encourage each of you to pray big and bold prayers that demonstrate to God that you live in total dependence upon His grace and mercy for all of the circumstances beyond your control. Each morning when you awaken, schedule time to draw a symbolic circle around yourself and your loved ones as you drop onto your knees to pray in "Child's Pose" or Balasana. Continue these bold "circle prayers" daily throughout your time of yoking with the Lord as you practice this week's "Extended Side Angle Flow" called Utthita Parsvakonasana. Then watch how God honors these specific prayers throughout your lifetime and beyond.
- Physically---First thing---before food and chores---in the morning lower slowly onto your knees to let God know that the most important priority in your life is your personal relationship with Him as you seek time in His Word (The Holy Bible) and communion with Him in His peaceful presence. Then, with the palms of your hands resting on the arches of your feet, begin to circumscribe a circle with your fingers around your body as you breathe in the healing breath of God. At the top of that first deep inhalation, bring the palms together in prayer position (anjali mudra) above the head, and then exhale to release all tension in the neck, upper back and shoulders. Remain here in "Extended Child's Pose" for 5-6 deep and smooth, victorious (ujjayi) breaths as you continue with your specific "circle prayer."
- On an inhalation open the forearms to shoulder width and slowly swoop forward to raise the torso slightly onto both hands and knees as you release a long exhalation in a "Cat Spinal Flexion", drawing the pelvic floor and abdominals up and inward toward the spine. From here you may choose to continue to warm the muscles along the spine for several breaths of "Cat and Cow" stretches (chakravakasana) before moving into "Extended Side Angle."
- On the next inhalation draw the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles (the "locks" or bandhas) in and upward as the right foot moves just outside of the right hand with the right knee remaining at a right angle to the floor. During the long exhalation with the locks engaged for core support, lift the left knee and rotate the left leg externally (away from center) and ground the left foot with the toes turned out about 15-20 degrees, pressing evenly into both feet. To begin the "Extended Side Angle Flow" called Utthita Parsvakonasana, inhale as the left arm releases from the floor backward toward the left foot, and circumscribe a circle upward until the left arm is extended above the left shoulder and then beyond. You may choose to hold "Extended Side Angle Pose" for 3-5 slow and rhythmic breaths before you begin the breath-synchronized (vinyasa) flow by inhaling slowly on the up-swing, and then exhaling slowly on the down-swing as the arm circumscribes a vertical circle around your body. (Your circle is now two-dimensional.) Always end your practice with at least five minutes in "Corpse Pose" or Savasana.
- Mentally---Focus your attention on the significance of each circle as you draw a circle around the circumstances in your life that are totally beyond your control. Stay attentive to the smooth rhythm and movement of the breath (prana) as it moves through your body.
- Spiritually---In a "circle prayer" begin to claim God's love and concern for your future circumstances throughout your yoking experience as you claim specific Scriptural passages that pertain to your situation and/or dreams. Remember as you pray and circumscribe your circle that God put those dreams into your heart and mind IF they will glorify Him by being accomplished with His help! Now your "circle prayer" is three-dimensional, and you are practicing 3-D yoga. (Please read the February 9, 2010 blog entitled "3-D Yoga.") Remind yourself of this promise: