After twelve grueling hours in surgery and eight days of recovery in the hospital, my cherished husband of 43 years is finally home again! Joy comes a bit easier now than it did about two weeks ago. During that emotional journey my mind was consumed with his traumatic circumstances, and the significance of this blog seemed to pale by comparison. I stopped writing. Yet I didn't stop experiencing the power of yoking with God every morning in prayer and the healing that is encouraged by restorative yoga postures. As I drew strength and healing from God I discovered a deeper connection to the most joyful being in the universe! I practiced the discipline of celebration by focusing on what a true gift our life is when we decide to be grateful for all of His good and beautiful creations---and they are everywhere!
Our human joy is almost always experienced "in spite of" something. If we wait to celebrate life only when it's perfect we may die waiting. Therefore, we learn to discipline ourselves by putting bitterness and resentment aside and with a defiant nevertheless, we choose to channel His joy! Make a "joy appointment" with God every morning before you head out the door and don't allow those other destructive emotions to shape your day. Decide not to be a victim of circumstance. This week's position, "Half Moon Pose" or Ardha Chandrasana Variation, is a fun way to practice the joy of joining with a happy God who created "every good and perfect gift."
- Physically---A joyful way to start the day is to slide slowly out of bed and plant your feet together firmly on the floor, remaining bedside to use it as a prop or support for this week's posture. Then take a deep, three-dimensional breath as your arms sweep out to the sides and continue in an "Upward Salute" to acknowledge and thank God for the new day. As the long and slow exhalation begins with a sigh, thank Jesus for redeeming you as your arms lower into a cross, and finally bring your hands to heart center in the prayer gesture (called anjali mudra) to acknowledge the gift of the Holy Spirit that you carry with you throughout the day. On the second inhalation the breath-synchronized movements can continue into "Salutations to the Son" to warm the muscles and joints, or any other sequence of postures (asanas) familiar enough to practice.
- Finish in the open hip and heart "Warrior II Pose" described in the January 25, 2010 blog with the back of the body close to the bed (or along a wall or sturdy chair) for support. With the right leg forward exhale the left hand so that the thumb points downward and then lower the hand to reach for the top of the front right thigh by rotating the left shoulder externally (away from center). Remain in this "Warrior II Pose" variation for 3-5 slow and smooth, victorious breaths (ujjayi) before inhaling to engage the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles (the bandhas) that will support the next transition into "Half Moon Pose" or Ardha Chandrasana Variation. With a long and slow exhalation, push slowly off of the back left foot as the right hand lowers to a block or the floor about 18 inches in front of the right foot. Inhale to straighten the front right leg as the gaze rolls heavenward, up and over the left shoulder in urdhva drishti. Remain in this week's joyful posture for 3-5 smooth and rhythmic breaths, using the inhalations to actively hug muscles to bones with straight and extended legs. Lift and extend through the ball of the back foot with the toes spreading wide, and ground down into all four corners of the standing foot, especially along the outer ankle, to create an open and extended spine. On an exhalation release the back leg into a standing straddle split called Pasarita Padottanasana (April 18, 2011 blog), and then reverse to face the left leg in "Warrior II" on the left side in order to experience this week's pose on the left side. Always finish your physical practice with at least five minutes in the stillness of restorative "Corpse Pose" (January 24, 2009 blog).
- Mentally---With each deep and expansive breath focus the attention on opening the shoulders, heart and hips while grounding down in a firm foundation on the front foot. Remain mentally present in each breath as you gaze upward in the direction of the source of all life. Rest the tip of the tongue lightly on the upper palate and note the small smile that creeps into the corners of your mouth. Channel the joy.
- Spiritually---Experience the joy and a sense of spiritual exhilaration as your heart opens physically and spiritually to appreciate each deep breath. Channel your Creator's joy in you! Rejoice while repeating the mantra, "This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it."
(I Chronicles 16: 26-27, KJV)