Have you ever felt "strongly both ways?" We all struggle with indecision at times when our two columns of pros and cons appear to be equal. We know all too well the paralyzing effects of indecision when not to decide is to decide! Or to choose wrongly creates inner turmoil.
I often need help to determine a wise plan of action, especially when the choices are burdensome and the repercussions are severe. This is when I go to my knees in prayer to seek a resolution that will result in peace. If my choice provides no tranquility, I cannot execute. Decisions made without the guidance of our God-installed conscience will never be accompanied by a sense of internal calm.
Since yoga means to yoke body, mind and breath with God the decision-making process becomes clearer and more relaxed if we practice this yoking process on a regular basis. It seems that God gave us free will, and therefore the ability to choose our destiny, so that we would "manifest that which is before us." (Read a wonderful little novel by Garth Stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain.) In order to practice twisting postures like this week's "Revolved Triangle Pose" (Parivrtta Trikonasana) in a safe manner, we must be firmly grounded and yet willing to let go of resistance---just like making tough decisions with God's guidance! Warning: Twists are not considered to be safe for prenatal students due to the compression across the abdominal region. Practice making wise decisions by avoiding twists during pregnancy.
I often need help to determine a wise plan of action, especially when the choices are burdensome and the repercussions are severe. This is when I go to my knees in prayer to seek a resolution that will result in peace. If my choice provides no tranquility, I cannot execute. Decisions made without the guidance of our God-installed conscience will never be accompanied by a sense of internal calm.
Since yoga means to yoke body, mind and breath with God the decision-making process becomes clearer and more relaxed if we practice this yoking process on a regular basis. It seems that God gave us free will, and therefore the ability to choose our destiny, so that we would "manifest that which is before us." (Read a wonderful little novel by Garth Stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain.) In order to practice twisting postures like this week's "Revolved Triangle Pose" (Parivrtta Trikonasana) in a safe manner, we must be firmly grounded and yet willing to let go of resistance---just like making tough decisions with God's guidance! Warning: Twists are not considered to be safe for prenatal students due to the compression across the abdominal region. Practice making wise decisions by avoiding twists during pregnancy.
- Physically---Begin by warming the muscles and joints as recommended in last week's description of Parsvottanasana. Remain in this intense stretch, with the right leg extended forward and both hands aligned directly under the shoulders on the floor or blocks, for 3-5 smooth breaths in order to relax the hamstrings and the muscles acros the back of the hips.
- While inhaling and grounding firmly and evenly into both feet, release the right hand to the back of the right hip with the elbow pointing upward. Steady the gaze on the right big toe (padhayoragrai drishti) while extending through a neutral spine (nor forward or reverse tilt of the pelvic basin) for two or three deep and smooth breaths to relax and open the pelvic structures. After several breaths ground into the left hand and both feet while inhaling to sweep the right arm slowly up and aligned above the right shoulder. With each inhalation experience the opening across the right rib cage and side body until the right arm stretches actively and perpendicular to the floor. With each exhalation release the resistance in the hips, hamstrings and lower body. When the torso feels long and relaxed through the hips and extended spine, the left hand may be moved to the outside of the right foot (but directly under the left shoulder) for a more intense twisting experience. Once this intermediate standing twist becomes steady and comfortable, slowly roll the gaze up the right arm to the thumb for the more challenging angusta ma drai drishti. Remain in this standing twist to the right before switching to Parsvottanasana on the left side. Always meditate and pray in "Child's Pose" or "Corpse Pose" before heading out into the world to make those tough decisions.
- Mentally---Remember to consciously release the resistance at the end of every exhalation to make the balancing experiencing of "Revolved Triangle Pose" feel more at ease. Use each inhalation to deepen the twist by extending the spine neutrally while actively stretching the lifted arm straight above the shoulder. Imagine the spine revolving around a head-to-tail axis.
- Spiritually---Because the hips remain in a stable and neutral position as the heart and head twist away in a different direction, twisting poses always remind me of the desires of the body often being in conflict with God's guidance through the intellect of the mind. Without a strong will to remain connected (yoked) to a source of wisdom that will guide our choices we are always conflicted. This is a dilemma of human nature that even powerful leaders such as Herod and Pontius Pilate faced when deciding what to do with Jesus, so they abdicated. They gave the decision to the people who cried out, "Crucify him!" And yet that is exactly what God had planned from the beginning of time in order to fulfill all of the Old Testament prophesies that predicted the necessity of a sacrificial lamb to suffer and die for man's sins.