Some children don't know the identity of their real father. If your earthly father was less than perfect, and therefore the relationship less than desirable, remembering him on Father's Day may not be a pleasant experience. Or you may choose not to identify with any of your biological father's characteristics because they embarrass you. But the good news is that you also have a heavenly Father who created and knew you before you were born into this world. (Read Psalms 139.) If you choose to believe the Word of God in The Holy Bible, you have become a child of God and "a joint-heir with Christ." In other words, believers have been adopted into the family of God and we can call God our "Father, Abba." Yes, we are children of the King of kings. We're the King's kids! We have reason to puff out our chest and take pride in our identity in Christ.
Remember your heavenly Father is the King of kings when you practice this week's position called "King Pigeon Pose" or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. It's a continuation of last week's forward bending position, Eka Pada Kapotasana, but a more intense, advanced backward-bending pose with a puffed out chest like a king pigeon. Do not attempt this advanced version if you are pregnant because of the deep backward bending and pressure created by stretching across the abdomen.
Remember your heavenly Father is the King of kings when you practice this week's position called "King Pigeon Pose" or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. It's a continuation of last week's forward bending position, Eka Pada Kapotasana, but a more intense, advanced backward-bending pose with a puffed out chest like a king pigeon. Do not attempt this advanced version if you are pregnant because of the deep backward bending and pressure created by stretching across the abdomen.
- Physically---Always honor your physical body as the temple of God's Spirit, by warming the muscles and joints with several rounds of "Salutations to the Son" (May 2009 blogs), acknowledging your Creator and how wonderfully your body has been designed. (Yes, even with all of its imperfections!) After flowing lightly forward from "Downward-Facing Dog" into the forward-bending "Pigeon Pose", rest there for 5-6 deep and smooth breaths to allow the right hip to soften and the back left thigh and groin to open and relax.
- When your body is ready to move into the more intense backward-bending pose, "King Pigeon", during an inhalation slowly walk your hands back to align and ground them under the shoulders while lifting through the crown of the head to lengthen and extend the spine. As the exhalation begins, engage the bandhas (May 11, 2010 blog) and scoop the tail bone down and forward to begin the backward bend by tilting the pelvic basin backward. With each inhalation ground firmly through the outer right buttocks and thigh as the top of the back thigh and groin press firmly into the floor in order to create greater spinal extension. If the outer right thigh will not rotate away from center enough to press into the floor, use a pillow or folded blanket placed just under the right hip and outer thigh. On an inhalation sweep the arms out to the side and into an upward salute to create lift, and then exhale the hands onto the hips at the waist as the rib cage expands three-dimensionally and puffs the chest out victoriously like a proud king. Remain in this variation of "King Pigeon Pose" with the neck stretched long and the gaze above the head (IF you don't have problems with neck injuries) for 5-6 "chest breaths" because your extended and stretched abdomen will not allow "belly breathing."
- As your hips and thighs soften (over several minutes, or maybe even weeks or years!) with regular practice (abhyasa) in this variation of "King Pigeon" you will be preparing to ground the back thigh and lift the foot of the back leg toward your head until the crown of the head rests in the arch of the back foot. During an exhalation the right hand may reach up and behind the head to firmly grasp the left foot, OR the toes of the back left foot may slide up into the crease of the left elbow so that the left hand grasps the right hand which is extended back toward the foot.
- Mentally---All of these variations require great flexibility in the hips, back, neck, shoulders and thighs, so DO NOT ALLOW YOUR MIND to FORCE your body before it is ready! Practice metta toward yourself, which translates to mean loving kindness. Do what you can do on that particular day and be satisfied, before switching to the opposite side. You may find greater ease and flexibility in the left hip with the left leg forward and the right leg extended behind. Enjoy the journey and stay focused on smooth and steady ujjayi breathing. Since all of the variations of "King Pigeon Pose" are designed to open and create greater circulation in the entire pelvic region, hips, groin, and thighs, it is very helpful if you can keep your attention focused on engaging the bandhas for support, as well as the release of tension in these areas at the end of each breath.
- Spiritually---While allowing the ribs to open and expand three-dimensionally (side-to-side, front and back, up and down) remember your heavenly Father is the "King of kings!" Enjoy practicing the joy of being filled with and led by the Spirit of your Father, God. plf