All this week I'll be running in "safe mode." In computer speak, that means my operating system is only partially functioning with several programs unavailable at this time due to some large kidney stones (8mm and 5mm) that showed up in a recent CT scan. According to PC experts, safe mode is a powerful tool for fixing problems in operating systems like Windows. So in my personal, physical terms, this means that I'll be attempting to fix some chronic dietary problems that have lead me to pass more kidney stones last week. In short, I'll be on a modified liquid fast until my urologist is able to break up those two large stones into smaller, more passable, 2mm-size through a shock wave process called lithotripsy, which pulverizes the larger stones using a lithotriper that creates rapid, shock wave vibrations.
As with most lessons in life this recent one was not easily learned or pain-free! But now, I finally get it! I do hereby resolve (Legal-eeze sounds like a serious commitment!) to eat much more cautiously and mindfully---no wine, cheese, nuts (hard to digest!), spinach, rhubarb green onions, blueberries, or other food items high in oxalates. Chemically speaking, an oxalate occurs naturally in plants and nuts and forms an insoluble salt with calcium which interferes with its absorption by the body. Thus, stones form in the garbage collecting organs known as kidneys. Over ten years ago my last bout of kidney stones were collected and studied to see which dietary items should be avoided and I was given a list of food items to eliminate from my diet, which I promptly filed and ignored. How stupid!
We may never know why we continue to make the same mistakes over and over, relearning the same old lessons over and over. It really can't be a simplistic answer like stupidity! Maybe because I'm now practicing yoga daily and I'm a bit more aware of my body, and my decisions, but this time I'm finally ready to learn...and obey. Until my next scheduled lithotripsy---which is not a painless solution, by the way---I'll be running in safe mode in an attempt not to create more problems for my over-worked kidneys.
This week let's all try to target our diet and attempt to eliminate the items that we know are not healthy for our particular systems. Since what we eat and drink is our fuel to provide energy, let's add more easily digestible vegetable juices and herbal teas. And the obvious, let's all drink more water after we practice yoga! Warning: Please don't forget check with your doctor to make sure a three-day liquid detox would not be harmful to your body, especially if you are on prescription medications for blood pressure, diabetes, or other serious conditions!
This week let's all try to target our diet and attempt to eliminate the items that we know are not healthy for our particular systems. Since what we eat and drink is our fuel to provide energy, let's add more easily digestible vegetable juices and herbal teas. And the obvious, let's all drink more water after we practice yoga! Warning: Please don't forget check with your doctor to make sure a three-day liquid detox would not be harmful to your body, especially if you are on prescription medications for blood pressure, diabetes, or other serious conditions!
- Physically---When shopping this week, begin your liquid cleanse or detox plan by purchasing liters of cranberry, orange, apple and V-8 juices as well as herbal detox teas. (The brand Yogi teas has an interesting array of choices.) If you're planning a modified detox, bring home a sufficient supply of fresh fruits and vegetables (but not those high in oxalates if you're prone to kidney stones!) to supplement your liquid diet. Remember that your body needs fuel even when "running in safe mode." On "Day One," I usually have a 4-6 oz. glass of orange juice for breakfast, a 4-6 oz. glass of cranberry or apple juice for lunch and some clear vegetable or chicken broth for dinner, with intermittent sips of water in between "meals." Prepare a cup of Chamomille tea to relax before bedtime. Repeat this plan for "Day Two" and "Day Three", varying the flavors of the juices and teas for interest. Warning: If at any time you become light-headed or dizzy during this detox, please discontinue immediately by preparing a slice of bread or some rice and steamed vegetables to return your digestive tract slowly back to solids.
- Notes: You may loose 2-3 pounds during the detox, but unfortunately the pounds all return when you return to your normal diet. The first three days of a detox only cleanse the body so that the urine will run almost clear. If you are comfortable continuing your "fast" for two more days, Days Four and Five help to purify the body, and Days Six and Seven are bonus days that begin the healing process in your organs. Each day becomes easier because of the sense of lightness and well being that you begin to experience.
- Mentally---Never put anything into your mouth without a mindful resolution that this will be good fuel for your physical body. Always listen to your body and your breath; they are communicating with you on a regular basis!
- Spiritually---If you spend significant time alone with the Lord by reading God's wisdom from the Bible and practicing yoga during your days of fasting, you'll feel spiritually full. The time will also go by much faster! I know this to be true from personal experience because many of our cravings are for something that only God can satisfy.