As with most things in life, we have the freedom to choose the intensity of the circumstances by adding or subtracting something. The same is true for most yoga positions. The pressure on the internal abdominal organs in last week's posture ("Side Plow Pose" or Parsva Halasana) may be increased or decreased by lowering or raising the knees. But how do we know when we should add or subtract pressure? Where do learn or receive a voice of instruction in order to prevent injury? Who can we trust to listen to and to follow?
Wise yoga students attend classes with an experienced and certified yoga instructor to learn the mechanics of the physical postures (asanas) and appropriate breathing techniques (pranayama), gaze points (drishtis), etc., but we must all listen to that God-installed, inner voice of intelligence when it comes to deepening postures and pressure. Yoga positions should never create shooting pain if the student is practicing with present-minded awareness! A general rule of thumb that I follow for my sciatica back pain tells me that if it feels like a good massage of the problem area, then it is probably helping. God attached our nerves to our brain for a reason---if the message is pain, back off on the pressure! So this week as we deepen the "Side Plow Pose" into a slightly twisted version of "Embryo-in-the-Womb Pose" called "Revolved Embryo Pose" (Parivrtta Karnapidasana) pay attention to what your body and your inner guru is telling you! If you are pregnant please do not attempt any inverted or twisted positions!
(Proverbs 19: 20, KJV)
Wise yoga students attend classes with an experienced and certified yoga instructor to learn the mechanics of the physical postures (asanas) and appropriate breathing techniques (pranayama), gaze points (drishtis), etc., but we must all listen to that God-installed, inner voice of intelligence when it comes to deepening postures and pressure. Yoga positions should never create shooting pain if the student is practicing with present-minded awareness! A general rule of thumb that I follow for my sciatica back pain tells me that if it feels like a good massage of the problem area, then it is probably helping. God attached our nerves to our brain for a reason---if the message is pain, back off on the pressure! So this week as we deepen the "Side Plow Pose" into a slightly twisted version of "Embryo-in-the-Womb Pose" called "Revolved Embryo Pose" (Parivrtta Karnapidasana) pay attention to what your body and your inner guru is telling you! If you are pregnant please do not attempt any inverted or twisted positions!
- Physically---After preparing your body by practicing "Plow Pose," "Embryo-in-the-Womb Pose" and then "Side Plow Pose" for 3-5 breaths each, you may then choose to add abdominal pressure on the right lobe of the liver by lowering the knees to the floor above the head, but on one side at a time. Move slowly with awareness into "Side Plow Pose" first on the side of the left ear by engaging the energy locks in the pelvic floor and abdominals (bandhas). Then exhale as you firmly ground the back of the head and both sets of toes into the floor above and to the left side of the head in order to keep the hips lifted and the cervical (neck) curve intact. Remain in "Side Plow" on the left for 2-3 smooth and closely monitored breaths before releasing both knees toward the floor very slowly and mindfully into "Revolved Embryo Pose" (Parivrtta Karnapidasana). Pressure may be added or subtracted as the knees are lowered toward the floor to increase the squeezing action on the right side of the abdomen. Or if necessary, pressure may be released as the knees are raised slightly off of the floor. Occasionally I will manually deepen this "squeeze and soak" pressure by crossing my right arm behind my knees (when on the left side) to gently press them lower toward the floor and into my left ear.
- Remain here for 3-5 smooth breaths, or as long as your body is breathing comfortably and freely. Then with the bandhas engaged to support the body weight, slowly "walk" both feet, one-at-a-time, to the right side of your head and proceed cautiously into "Revolved Embryo" on the right side for the same number of breaths to squeeze the smaller left lobe of the liver. Never rush out of these inverted positions, but slowly exhale the spine back onto the mat from the neck down to the tail bone, and one vertebra at a time with both legs as straight and engaged as possible to prevent "dead weight" on the spine. Rest in "Corpse Pose" for at least five minutes before gradually rolling onto the right side in a fetal position.
- Mentally---Again, and as always, listen to your inner guru that was wisely placed there by your Creator before you were born. Shift your gaze from the outward navel inwardly to focus on the pressure being applied by the thighs alternately on each side of the abdomen. Never force your body into any position before it is ready, so move slowly and mindfully, staying present and aware of the quality of each breath. Let your body and your mind instruct you.
- Spiritually---Our Creator has equipped us with all that we need to maintain a healthy and well-balanced body and mind, IF we simply yoke to that inner voice of intelligence that connects us to a source of wisdom beyond our own. Add and subtract as needed. Spend time alone listening!
(Proverbs 19: 20, KJV)