Monday, August 13, 2012

"The Human Spirit"

The 2012 Summer Olympiad Games in London have left us all inspired and contemplating the amazing human spirit.  In addition to God-given talent, dedication and determination, most of the athletes that my eyes were drawn to watch possessed what the French refer to as "Je ne sais quoi."  This "I-don't-know-what" quality is an unteachable and indescribable joy!  A certain joie de vivre (French for joy of life) seemed to surge through the physical body of certain athletes and then bubbled naturally through their performance and expression into a wide, effervescent smile.  For example, the Jamaican sprinter and now, new world record holder, Usain Bolt, could not supress his joy.  Nor could American gymnast, Gabby Douglas, contain her joy. Her energetic, "flying-squirrel" spirit gave her incomparable leaps on the floor and extra height in her releases over the uneven parallel bars.   
A joyful human spirit performs like a magnet to draw attention and positive energy.  It enables super-human performance because of the Presence of the Lord within the human body.  We were able to observe this phenomenon in many of the Olympic athletes who dropped onto their knees, looked up and praised the Spirit of the Living God after their gold-medal-winning performance.  We can have a similar experience each day if we're able to awaken with delight and savor every blessing we've been given. This joyful attitude proclaims a childlike trust in the  ever-present Creator to provide all the energy and whatever we need to accomplish our goals.  We have a daily opportunity to demonstrate childlike faith to the world that the joy of the Lord is ever-present within us, providing for all of our needs.  I challenge all readers to practice the extraordinary power of the human spirit when it is yoked to the Creator of All as a spiritual element is added to your daily yoga practice of "Salutation to the Son" or Surya Namaskara A, ending in the traditional Backbending Surya Namaskar. 
  • Physically---After quiet time immersed in the reading of God's Word in The Holy Bible,  begin to praise the God who is always present with you because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross of Calvary almost two thousand years ago.  Begin in the humble "Child's Pose" (Balasana)  and then inhale forward onto the hands and knees, exhaling into "Downward-Facing Dog." After 3-5 smooth and rhythmic breaths, inhale and lunge to the top of the mat, exhaling into a "Standing Forward Fold" and begin several rounds of the twelve-position, vinyasa flow sequence called  "Salutation to the Son" or Surya Namaskara A, as described in the three blogs beginning on April 27, 2009.   During these twelve breath-synchronized changes of postures, be sure to add a slight smile to the corners of the mouth as the tongue rests softly on the upper palate behind the teeth.  
  • On the final long exhalation, lift the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles (called the mula and uddiyana bandhas) to support the spinal extension as the torso  extends into a deep backbend with the arms stretched straight alongside of the ears and the palms facing upward.  Press the tailbone down the back of the legs as the hips move slightly forward to counterbalance the backward lean of the Backbending Surya Namaskar.  Remain in this position of acknowledgement for 3-5 breaths before releasing onto the back in "Corpse Pose" to relax and restore the physical body.
  • Mentally---Consciously lift  the gaze straight up above the head (urdhva drishti) toward the source of all energy and positive life force called prana.  Focus attention on bringing long and smooth, three-dimensional breaths into all four corners of the lungs as the positive energy flows upward through the body, pausing at the top of each breath to allow time for the body to absorb that energy. Pay careful attention to long and thorough exhalations of carbon dioxide (called apana) in order to release the stress of holding any negative energy in the body or mind.
  • Spiritually---Yoke or unite the human spirit with the Holy Spirit of God during your yoga practice and watch joy fill your body, mind, heart and soul!  Experience the power of  an intimate, personal relationship with the Living God, who will anoint you with the "oil of joy."
"Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows."              (Hebrews 1:9, KJV)