Sunday, February 1, 2009

Adding "Boat Pose" = Strong Lats (back muscles)

Building on last week's abdominal strength

Do you honestly believe that a once-a-week yoga session will develop and strengthen a body OR a relationship? I don't think so, and hope you don't either!
After mindfully practicing last week's "Extended Leg Pose" every day this week, add a transition into this week's back-strengthening position called "Boat Pose" (Navasana in Sanskrit.)
Contraindications: Herniated discs. Prenatal practitioners must have a medical release and use the arm support with modified "Boat Pose" only, preferably supporting only one leg at a time!
  • Physically---Inhale deeply and then engage the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles (the "root locks" called the mula bandha and the uddiyana bandha) in a strong inward lifting action to protect the integrity of the lumbar curve in the lower back Then exhale the extended arms overhead to reach behind the bending knees while sitting up into a "V" position. Hold onto the back of the knees to draw the upper thighs in toward the abdomen in this modified "Boat Pose" variation. Strongly engage and lengthen the side waist to maintain this modification for several breaths while extending up through the crown of the head as the "sit bones" are grounding down into the floor. If the abdominal and back muscles are strong enough to prevent rounding in the lower back, the legs may then be extended straight out from the hips to eye level by pressing the inner ankles and knees actively together as one unit.
  • Mentally---Hold full "Boat Pose" for 10-12 kapalabhati breaths with vigorous exhalations while focusing the attention on how wonderfully strong the human body can be when yoked with God. Relax between sets of "Boat Pose" by hugging the knees to the chest with full deep and smooth ujjayi breathing.
  • Spiritually---Seek a place of inner stillness and ease just as Jesus had when He had taken his disciples out onto the Sea of Galilee. "And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that now it was full....And He arose, and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, 'Peace be still.' And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And He said unto them, 'Why are ye so fearful? How it it that ye have no faith?' ... " (Mark 4: 37-40, KJV)
Begin practicing faith in the combined strength that is available to each of us as we yoke with our Creator.
If you experience back pain during "Boat Pose," your body may be communicating that the muscles are not strong enough to support a lifted and extended spine during the leg lifts. Next week we'll focus on poses for "back pain." Namaste, and keep practicing....