Monday, February 13, 2012

"Open to All"

Love is an action verb, not a subjective emotion or feeling.  We fall into the trap of basing our relationships on fleeting feelings rather than a choice to live in love. God loves us all with no exclusions or conditions, and He demonstrated this unconditional love (while we were not perfect or loving) by suffering in our place---even unto death on the cross---so that we could spend eternity with Him.  "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation [the appeasement] for our sins."   (I John 4:10, KJV)
Oh, if we could only love one another as purely and unselfishly!   It seems as though we try to protect our hearts from pain or disappointment by not loving purely and unselfishly.   Many of  our relationships are based on subjective emotional criteria such as how well we're treated or how much we're loved in return.  This is not living love all the time because these self-centered conditions can never be consistently maintained 24-7.  We are flawed, fallen creatures who live in the darkness of selfish love and must be reborn in order to change this dark state. 
The problem is that we can only give ourselves to love unselfishly without restrictive walls of protection if, like the lovely lotus flower, we leave the muck of the pond and journey up toward the light of pure love.  In Egyptian and Eastern cultures, this exquisitely beautiful flower with its open petals represents rebirth because it rises up out of dark and murky waters and opens to the morning and afternoon sunlight.  Similarly, if we leave our dark doubts and selfish motives to embark on the journey of faith, we can grow more and open toward the light of understanding and selfless love.  
"Lotus Pose" or Padmasana is an advanced seated posture (asana) that requires very open and flexible ankles, knees and hips.  When practicing this position our instincts of self preservation can be surrendered temporarily in order to relax the muscles and connective tissue in these joints.  With regular practice and study (abhyasa) of additional hip-opening positions, we just may become more comfortable as our range of motion in the ankles, knees and hips gradually increases in our attempt to journey toward the openness of childhood.   Be very slow and gentle when attempting this advanced seated posture, which is safe for prenatal students, but probably not for the elderly unless yoga practice began long ago.
  • Physically---It is vital to warm the muscles and joints fully with several repetitions of "Salutations to the Son" (described in the April 27-May 11, 2009 blogs) and hip-opening  movements such as last week's vinyasa flow, "Lying Down Hand-to-Foot" with "full circle" range of motion.  From the lying down position, inhale to draw the pelvic and abdominal muscles up and inward to protect the spine as the torso lifts up into the seated posture called "Staff Pose" or Dandasana  (described in the June 22, 2009 blog).
  • Students with very tight joints have several options---sit on a chair or a block , or tuck the corner of a blanket under the tail bone in order to position the knees slightly lower than the hips.  Bend the right knee externally (away from center) and hold the right shin with both hands in order to place the heel of the right flexed foot onto the groin of the left hip or as high on the upper thigh as possible without moving beyond your personal "edge" into pain or possible injury.  Inhale deeply and slowly through the nose only while grounding down into both sit bones and lifting up through the crown of the head to extend the spine for 3-5 three-dimensional ujjayi breaths.  Stiff or elderly students may choose to practice "Half Lotus Pose" or Ardha Padmasana over an extended period of time to gradually ease the body toward the full "Lotus Pose" or Padmasana.  
  • During an extended exhalation draw the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles up and back toward the spine (the bandhas) while bending the left knee and opening the left hip externally away from center.   Then use both hands on the left shin to s-l-o-w-l-y draw the left flexed heel onto the right groin or as high on the upper right thigh as possible without experiencing pain.  Only remain in this advanced seated posture for as long as is comfortable before switching to place the left flexed foot on the right groin and then the right flexed foot onto the left groin so that both sides of the body are opened as equally as possible without the distraction of pain. 
  • Mentally---At first it may only be comfortable to sit tall and erect in full  "Lotus Pose" or Padmasana (or "Half Lotus" modifications for those with tight joints) for 2-3 smooth breaths, so be sure to bring awareness into your body while focusing attention on the quality of each breath. Remember the source of each healing breath.  It may be helpful to lightly close the eyelids for pratyahara (full concentration) and bring awareness into the center of the forehead for a "Third-Eye" gaze point or drishti called naitrayoh ma dyai.
  • Spiritually---While meditating in your best version of  "Lotus Pose" or Padmasana, focus on the gift of love that was openly given to you by your Creator in the ultimate sacrifice of a painful death for your sins.  Open your heart---along with the ankles, knees and hips---to returning that love with a commitment to serve others unselfishly without concern for payment in return.  Ask God to help your rebirth into a loving servant and follower of Him.  In the words of Jesus Himself:
"...Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven."           (Matthew 18:3, KJV)        ...and then in a letter from John:

"Beloved, let us love another; for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God."       (I John 4:7,KJV) 
"Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God; and everyone that loveth Him that begat loveth Him that is also begotten of Him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments."      (I John 5:1-2, KJV)

Be open to demonstrating Happy Love Day to ALL!   Namaste, plf

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