Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Back to Reality and Tension"

When summer vacations are over and it's time to return to the daily grind of work or school, do you awaken in the morning with back, shoulder and neck tension?  Some "type A" personalities merely have to think about their responsibilities to send the muscles and joints of the upper body into tight contractions of trapped fear and tension. If your "reality bites, try beginning your day with a brief but healing ten minutes allotted to yoke with your Creator as you practice this gentle, breath-synchronized yoga sequence to dissolve the tension in those tight muscles and joints.  
Since this flow occurs while lying on the back with the legs extended directly above the hips, this may be done for only 1-2 minutes (10-12 very slow and smooth breaths) if you are pregnant and in the first trimester---weeks 1-14---too much weight on the vena cava.
  • Physically---Begin by thanking your Creator for each deep and smooth breath and every beat of your heart, while spending a minimum of five minutes kneeling on a flat and level surface in "Child's Pose" (See my first blog on January 10, 2009.)  Then cross the ankles under your hips and carefully release onto your back with both legs extended straight above the hips and the hands resting alongside the body.   Or you may remain on your back to transition from last week's blog, in which you attempted the challenging yoga pose called "Unsupported Shoulder Stand" (Niralamba Sarvangasana.)
  • This gentle vinyasa flow sequence (breath-synchronized) utilizes deep and rhythmic "belly breaths" and energy seals, called the bandhas, so it may be necessary to first read and practice the "locks" as described in the May 11, 2009 and 2010 blogs.   With the straightened legs extending up over the hips, inhale deeply as the arms open out to the sides like wings, palms facing upward, while the legs open away from center into a "Lying Down Wide-Angle Split" called Supta KonasanaFully release and relax the legs, hips and the arms at the top of the inhalation before grounding the sacrum down into the floor and drawing the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles up and inward toward the back of the spine.  Throughout the exhalation the arms are drawing in toward the chest, along with the knees, and the internal energy locks into the position called Apanasana, described in the August 24, 2009 blog.  This closed posture on the back functions to squeeze toxins from the abdominal organs and then soak them with freshly oxygenated blood while opening up into Supta Konasana.  Perform this vinyasa flow between Supta Konasana and Apanasana for at least three minutes (about 18-20 deep breaths, depending upon the rate.) During the flow consider opening your body, mind and soul to receive the healing found in each inhalation.  Then during each exhalation squeeze out all physical toxins and the negative thoughts that are trapped in the tense muscles and joints.before resting for another five minutes in "Corpse Pose" (January 24, 2009 blog.)
  • Mentally---With each inhalation envision a bud or flower blossoming open in slow motion so that any physical tension in the shoulders, hips, legs and lower abdomen can expand to create space and release tightness as the energy (prana) flows outward.    While exhaling picture that blossom closing tightly to squeeze out any toxic energy and tension in the shoulders, arms, and abdomen.  Continue to coordinate all movements precisely with the breath leading the way, much as a conductor orchestrates his musicians.  Remain focused on conscious, present-minded breathing, aware of the purpose of each segment of each breath--- acceptance and healing in, negativity, fears and toxic thoughts out.
  • Spiritually---Imagine healing energy from your Creator entering every fiber in every corner of the lungs and then spreading into your neck, shoulder joints, back, and hips.  Ask God for help to release the sensations of tightness and replace them with soft and spacious openness. Let go of toxic thoughts from the past, especially the very recent circumstances that can be dealt with after your time alone with God has replenished you. Ask your Father in the name of Jesus to keep you in the center of His will for your life and to release you from the bondage of all fear and tension.    
"If the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."  (John 8:36 KJV)

"Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, He will give it you.  Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name; ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full."   
(John 16: 23b-24, KJV)